Welcome to my blog, where I will tell you about my travels, research, and writing experience. At the moment we are preparing for a very long road trip during which I will be researching Arthur St. Clair. Arthur was a revolutionary war Major General, President of Congress in the years between the revolution and the adoption of the new Constitution, and the first governor of the Old Northwest Territories (Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin.) He was also my sixth Great Grandfather.

Other books have been written about him. One was a compilation of his papers, one a ‘creative nonfiction biography that claimed more noble origins than he had and more heroic actions than he did. Another was a rant that he had not been given more attention as a founding father. All of these accounts hold some truth and some interest, but none of them meet the modern standards of an objective biography. It is my hope to create one, although because I am his sixth Great Granddaughter there may be some bias to present him in the best light possible.

My husband Robert and our almost eight-year-old daughter will be traveling with me. We will be driving from our home in Albuquerque to Cincinnati, a town St. Clair named, then western Pennsylvania where he lived from the late 1760s until 1775, and again after he retired from the governorship in 1802 until his death in 1818. From there we will head to Fort Ticonderoga in upstate New York, to find out what we can about his time there in 1776 and 1777.
The trip will not be all research. We have plans to visit museums, parks, and attractions all along the way, to report on our impressions of them, and to have as much fun as possible. Today we are scrambling to make sure we have everything we need for the trip, tell the people who are staying here everything they need to know before we leave, and checking out the COVID situation in the states we will visit. We hope you will join us on this adventure. Visit us here for daily posts on our adventures.